New Aston Villa Podcast: Download Today!

Aston Villa Podcast AVFC MOMS Villa Underground

The Villa Underground is proud to be a part of an ongoing collaboration with My Old Man Said.  It’s the only Aston Villa Podcast you need in your life.

Some say each episode is about as is about as certain as a Villa tax return.

Others listen to it whilst imagining Keith Wyness suckling a VillaDog; nude from the waist down. #VillaTie

This completely FREE & totally independent Aston Villa Podcast can be streamed, downloaded & subscribed to via:

Aston Villa Podcast

Also find us on TuneIn, Stitcher & aCast

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Each episode features discussion, debate and humour in equal measure, covering all things Aston Villa.

The show is hosted by David Michael (Editor; & features The Villa Underground (@avfc_vilr) + Special Guests!

What listeners are saying about the show:

11 10 9 8 7 2 3 4 5 6 1

So what’s not to like?

Subscribe, download & listen now:

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You can also find us on TuneIn, Stitcher & aCast

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You can also listen via Podcast Addict or your preferred Podcast app.

Rate, Share & Contribute.

If you enjoy the show, please don’t forget to subscribe for future episodes, tell fellow fans about it and be kind enough to leave a review.

If you have a social media account, please spread the word & share the latest show.

We also welcome & include listener questions.  Simply get in touch with your thoughts, questions and feedback.  On Twitter, simply use the hashtag #MOMSQT

Whilst we started life on Soundcloud, you’ll no longer find us there #SadFace

Past & Present Features:

Where Were You When We Were Good? – A trip down memory lane, to when true idols graced the turf of Villa Park.

Twitter With Tony – Who would’ve thought the owner of RECON Group & Aston Villa had a distinctive Yorkshire accent?  You’ll never miss a single surreal Xia tweet.

Jedinak’s Jungle – Marauding the plains of wildest Witton, the Aussie Captain often interjects a battlecry for the masses!

Negatron! – There’s always ‘that’ Villa fan who finds the negative in everything.

Thought Randy Lerner was done and dusted?  Think again, Randy rears his head and occasionally offers his take on how Villa are faring since his sale of the club in 2016.

Listener Questions – Got something to say?  Or just need a pressing Villa question answered?  Simply send us a tweet or email to get involved!

The Future?  Every wanted to bottle the drivvle your hear spewned from the terraces?  Watch our for words of wisdom from The C*nt In Front and the Anti-Semite To The Right.

Need further convincing that this is the Aston Villa Podcast for you?  Go here.

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